This time, you win! No, seriously!!

I wanted to upload a Mega Man Maker level here, but 'only supporter accounts' can host .mmmlv files. I refuse to pay $25 just so I can upload my stupid level. Try Mega Man Maker for yourself. It is an amazing creative outlet, and there are over 50 unique weapons, enemies, tiles, and like 30 gimmicks. Anyways, I sincerely apologise for that, and for this terrifyingly stupid website. If you know me, you will know me by Dane. I say that without fear because I seriously doubt anyone will get here. So, I give you the power to alter this abberrant website as you please. But only this page, of course. Don't wanna give you too much power, now. My username is, of course, geminigalaxysheephuman, and my password is (Censored by Neocities.Org). If that was censored, I'd probably lose my mind. I probably already have by making this website. Yes. I can read your thoughts. Right now you are doubting my ability to read your thoughts. See? Your aura right now is a confused and frustrated grey-ish brown.

Aaaaaaand, you are viewing this from a computer. GASP. I can see you? No. I cannot. I am simply using reasoning. You think I am crazy for making this website, or perhaps, for laughing hysterically at a prank I pulled on the Literature teacher. So, I have lost my mind in your perception. You were questioning my mental ability, because you are human, and anyone (who is human) with enough intelligence to get here, would be somewhat skeptical of something like that. Aura? i just googled aura colors and found out I had to interpret it. So I reversed the process and associated the ´confused´ emotion with grey-ish brown. And, if anyone figured out HOW to see an aura, you would still probably be at the stage where you cannot see the colors of the rainbow yet. Yeah, I googled that too. What can I say? Nobody showed up at ´Zine Club, so I was bored.

Of course, you are viewing this on a computer in all probability, because bitsy- made games don't show up on phones. And you couldn't have gotten here without, at one point, playing one of my bitsy games. BOOM! MIND BLOWN! This has been Dane T., and I am out!